creating a effective catalog to increase merchandise sales

Making Your Home Business Look More Professional

If you have been selling products you've made from your own house, you might realize that it's time to approach things more professionally. However, without much of a budget, how can you make your home business look more professional?

Customized Labels

You'll need a label for every customer you ship products to. If you're like many new business owners, you probably have been using generic labels. However, customized labels can be more visually interesting. A custom label is immediately noticeable and will set your package apart from the rest of the mail your customers receive. That's especially true if you use colors and fonts that tie into your brand.

Custom Banners

If you plan on taking your products to street fairs, conventions, or other public places, you'll look more impressive if your table or booth has a banner. Creating a custom banner with a local print shop can give your small business an air of legitimacy. The banner will also be visible from a distance and encourage people to come closer and see what your business is all about.

Retailer Kits

When you're ready to talk to small boutiques about stocking your products, meeting with store managers is often not enough. It's important to send out a retailer kit with pictures and materials that showcase your products. Your kit might include product pricing, sales reports, and other details which might convince store owners to take a meeting with you and sell your products. The kit should be contained within a folder or a binder.

Product Brochures

When a customer buys one of your products, you should be including not only the product in your packages but materials that encourage the customer to buy from you again. Product brochures can remind people of all the products you have. You might want to send a brochure that has a coupon they can use on their next purchase.

Business Cards

Business owners still use business cards to share information about their own companies and to make it easier for others to remember them. Custom business cards will stand out from the generic cards some business owners use. Use brand colors and a logo, as well as a font that's easy on the eyes.

By printing various items, your home business can start to appear more professional. Consult commercial printing shops to discuss which custom materials are best for your budget and your brand.
