creating a effective catalog to increase merchandise sales

Printed Materials That Will Help You Succeed at a Trade Show

Brochures, coupons for discounted products or promotions, customer acquisition forms, and product signage are some items that you may need beyond a trade show booth. When participating in a trade show, you are going to be providing demonstrations, greeting new faces, or answering questions. Having materials on hand that will provide your targeted audience with information about your business can be a valuable tool that will help your trade show participation be a success.

1. Choose a Uniform Style That Complements Your Booth

A trade show booth can be an impressive marketing tool. If your booth was custom constructed and decorated, it is fitting to choose printed goods that will correlate to your business theme or design scheme. For instance, a dark-colored wooden booth that contains a royal blue backdrop may complement signs and paper goods that contain graphics and lettering that contain a distinctly different color scheme.

You want to lure people into your booth by having information at their fingertips, which looks interesting enough for them to pick up and read. The person who completes each printing job's template will use the paper or advertisement material, ink type, and layout that you have personally prepared and selected. All of your printed materials should have a somewhat uniform look that is representative of your business.

If you would like to include your contact information, along with each printed item that someone will be taking home with them, have some additional business cards printed or choose to have your contact information added directly to each coupon or flyer that you will be providing to your guests.

2. Set Up in Advance

Visualizing how you are going to handle each encounter with a visitor and deciding how to utilize the space in the booth will help your booth experience be one that is efficient and seamless. After receiving your order of printed products, purchase some holders or trays to place the items in. Secure signage to the front or top of the booth and set up merchandise that pertains to each sign.

Place the customer materials along one side of the counter. If someone will be assisting you during the trade show, request that they carry some of the brochures or promotional materials and hand them out to people who pass by. After people have reviewed the information, they may head back to your booth to watch a live demonstration or review your product line.

For more information and ideas, contact trade show display printing services. 
