creating a effective catalog to increase merchandise sales

About Your Company's Custom Brochure

When it comes to advertising your business, you want to choose advertising methods that work out great for your business. You want to advertise using ways that are price-efficient and that give you good results. One of the ways that you want to consider in order to advertise your business is by having custom brochures printed. When you do have brochures printed for your company, you want to be sure you are using them to your advantage as much as possible. This means putting the best information that brings the absolute best results. Here are some of the things you want to be sure to include on your brochures.

Your company name as the biggest word(s)

You want to be sure that the name of your company is what is the first thing noticed when someone is looking at your brochure. The best way for you to know that your name is going to be the main focus that gets someone's attention right away is to make the company name stand out from the rest of the print. It should be the largest print on the brochure, it should be provided in a clear font, and it should be a color that doesn't blend in with the other graphics on the brochure.

Offer all contact options

When someone looks at your brochure you want to make it as easy as possible for them to contact you and you want them to know immediately that you are easy to reach. This is why you are going to want to offer such contact methods as your business phone number, your website address, your email address, your physical location, and your fax number. The more ways you offer of getting a hold of you, the more chances you will have of someone contacting you who prefers to reach out using specific methods. For example, if someone prefers emailing, then they may choose a company who accepts email inquiries over one that only offers a phone number.

Cover important elements

You want to be sure you list any of the things that are very important about your company and are things that would sway a customer into choosing your services or products over those of another company that does the same things you do. Put this information where it is easy to see, and be sure that you offer additional information that makes everything as clear as possible to those looking at the brochure.

For more information, contact a local custom brochure printing service.
