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Hang Tags For Your Clothing Line: 3 Tag Types That Customers Can Reuse

When designing custom tags for your clothing line, you could stick to the typical tag that displays your logo and the suggested retail price of the item. While these basic tags serve their purpose, they quickly end up in the trash once they are taken off the clothing after purchase. Customers may even love the design of the tag you painstakingly created to catch and dazzle their eyes, but they may feel silly saving a clothing tag that has no further use.

Eco-conscious consumers have even been posting on the Internet asking for ways to reuse clothing tags instead of throwing them away. Why not design tags customers can reuse, which provides them a bonus item when purchasing your clothing and makes sure they will never forget your brand? Here are three ideas for multi-purpose tags you and your customers get more out of. 

1. Sticker Hang Tags

Sticker hang tags are perfect for clothing designed for children and teenagers. Small children love stickers and love to put them everywhere. Small children may urge their parents to purchase your item over another simply because they want the "free sticker" that comes along with it. Teenagers love to place stickers inside their school lockers and on their school folders. While teenagers likely won't choose their clothing based on a tag design alone, if they purchase your clothing, they are likely to place their new sticker someplace where classmates and friends will see it and give your brand free advertisement. 

When designing sticker hang tags, you can choose an unusual die-cut shape, but make all corners slightly rounded to minimize the risk of the damage to corners that can damage the sticker. Keep the sticker design limited to your logo and brand name, but you can place sizing, suggested retail price, and and bar-code on the back of the hang tag. To make sure your customers immediately know one side of the tag is a sticker, include a small "peel here" on the edge of the sticker itself or include a message on the back of it telling customers the reverse side is a sticker. 

2. Reversible Chalkboard Tags

Chalkboard tags are becoming popular, and many people now use them to label items in their homes and place on gifts. While you don't want your tag information to be erasable, why not take advantage of this trend by making the back of your tag a chalkboard? You can use the front of the tag to place your label information permanently and keep the back a blank chalkboard, so customers can reuse your tag around the home.Customers will be immediately impressed in the store when they see you made the back of your hang tag reusable, and they may look forward to using the chalkboard back side if they have never used a chalkboard tag before. 

To help customers reuse your tags easily, make sure the tag is attached to your clothing with string that is reusable as well, such as ribbon. 

3. Book Mark Hang Tags

Another type of hang tag your customers can save and reuse is a bookmark tag. This option is great for clothing designed for people all ages. Bookmarks used to tag children's clothing can be used by their parents to mark the page they are currently at in their night-time story books, and teens can use the bookmarks for their school books. Adults also still enjoy traditional books today, and they can make great use of them as well. 

When designing bookmark hang tags, make sure to make a straight perforation line directly below the hole where the nylon string will attach it to the clothing item. Stick to typical bookmark dimensions, which is about 6-inches by 2-inches, to make it somewhat obvious to consumers your tag is intended to serve as a bookmark after purchase. Place item size and price on the back of the bookmark, and keep the front limited to a catchy design, your brand name, and a quote related to reading you feel fits in well with your brand image. 

Don't let the creativity you put into designing a great clothing hang tag go to waste by not making your tag reusable. Choose one of these three options or think of another way to turn your tag from disposable to reusable, and you can look forward to the additional brand recognition and advertisement when customers get more out of your tag than just product information. 
