creating a effective catalog to increase merchandise sales

5 Ways To Make Your Rack Cards More Interactive

Restaurants, tourist attractions, and rest stops utilize rack cards to showcase local businesses and attractions. These cards are great for creating awareness of your business, but you can easily take things one step further. Instead of just printing out a traditional rack card, there are five different features you can place on the card to make them more interactive. These features will make it more enticing for visitors to grab your card and keep it.

When placing your order for rack card printing, consider adding one or more of the following features.

Rack Card Attachments

The rack card itself can feature all kinds of information and details about your business. By adding a small attachment to the card, you can have people remember your business easily. One of the easiest attachments you can have placed on your rack cards is a thin business magnet. Featuring your business logo and contact information, the magnet can easily peel off the rack card and be used on things like dry erase boards and refrigerators.

Another attachment to consider is a bookmark. Rack cards are a little too wide to act as bookmarks, but attaching a small bookmark can help remind people of your business every time they read. This is ideal for book stores, craft businesses, or even restaurants.


People will likely grab a rack card that features something useful for them. This is where a coupon comes in handy. By featuring a coupon on the rack card, people are more likely to keep that card in a purse or vehicle. When designing a coupon for printing, there are a few things to consider.

The first is the expiration of the coupon. If possible, do not add an expiration date to the coupon. This will help extend the life of your rack card and prevent you from printing out new ones too quickly. Also consider the type of coupon you want to give. A percentage off coupon is typically the best way to go because it can apply to any sale and doesn't include a direct dollar amount.

QR Codes

Rack cards are naturally limited on the space you have to display photos and information about your business. Allow customers to get a more interactive experience with your business by featuring a QR code. A QR code can offer a direct link to a video or social media page to your website. This allows consumers to directly see content that is expanded from the rack card.

QR codes also allow you to access the customers directly. Using a code, you have the ability to let customers sign up for digital newsletters or coupons.

Coloring Pages

If your business caters to children, one of the best interactive features you can add is a coloring page. For example, if your business is an amusement park, then you can feature a small coloring image of a roller coaster. Parents will be enticed to give these coloring pages to children. It helps pique the child's interest while showcasing your business to the family. Depending on the rack card you print, you can feature a variety of styles with different coloring images featured right on the cards.

Pop-Out Displays

Using special printing instructions, you have the ability to create a rack card with a pop-out display. This is a great way to create a rack card that can stand on counters or desks. For example, if you own a pizza restaurant, the pop-out part of the rack card can feature the pizza. As you push out the pizza, it will stand on it's own and create a unique display.

This type of interactive feature can work for any type of business. Air-based attractions like hot air balloon rides can feature pop-out displays of the balloons. Think outside the box to create a memorable rack card for your business.

Plan ahead to choose the interactive features that will best suit your business. Trying out different features can help you decide which ones have the best success for your type of business.
